Sunday, October 6, 2013

Look Through the Eyes of Oneness

Recently my teenage daughter, who is afraid of bugs, chose to interrupt her morning routine, pick up an earwig in her bathroom, carry it downstairs and let it go outside.

What compelled her to do this?  What compelled her to help this little bug?  She did it because the earwig was alive. It was as simple as that. The earwig was alive and because of that it has value. 

The earwig has value because all living things have value.  From your neighbor down the block, to the mighty lion in his pride, to the beautiful bird that wakes you with his morning song, to the wizened oak that shades you from the sun, to the tiny earwig that needs to be brought outside, all living things have value.

The value we have stems from the oneness between us. A connection we share with each other and all living beings.  The connection is our Spirit.  The connection is God.

When we can look at ourselves, our family, our friends, our coworkers, and the strangers on the street and recognize our Spirit, then we can see the oneness between us.

When we can look at the animals, the plants and trees, and all living things and recognize their Spirit, then we can see the oneness between us.

When we see the oneness, we see the value.
When we see the oneness, we see love.
When we see the oneness, we see God.

God is the connection.  God is in all things.

Look through the eyes of oneness, and you will see a different world.

For info on my book God is in the Little Things; Messages from the Animals please visit

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