Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Nourish Yourself with the Energy of the Cow

This week as we continue moving forward on our spiritual path we have the good fortune to be visited by the cow.  The cow is symbolic of the Goddess, is associated with Mother Earth, and brings to us her nourishing energy.

Cows have long been associated with fertility, motherhood, and generosity.  Since ancient times and in many religions, they are honored and associated with deities. In India the cow is considered a sacred animal.  Hathor, an ancient Egyptian goddess, was depicted with the horns of a cow and was associated with the Milky Way which was thought to be the milk that flowed from a heavenly cow.

Today cows continue to nourish mankind with their milk.  They are also extremely patient and gentle beings giving no resistance in their service.  Some people believe that cows are not very intelligent as they are easily led to service, while others believe that cows as spiritual beings do understand and are willingly and generously being of service to humans.

Nourish yourself as you gratefully receive and share your blessings.  Willingly and generously be of service to others.  Experience the sweet abundance that comes from the nurturing of yourself and others. This is the wonderful message of the cow.

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or for information on my book  
God is in the Little Things; Messages from the Animals  

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